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The pets
Battles - 1703
Wins - 800
Win Rate - 47%
Biography -
The nursery tends to be full of lambs running about bumping into one another just for a laugh. When one goes to check something out they all go. The teachers seem to have no control of these young ones but theu aren't doing any harm really.
Favourite Colour - Straw Yellow
Hobbies - Drinking Milk
This sheep photos site uses JavaScript please enable it in your browser
This adopt a Pet sheep site uses JavaScript and your browser is not set up to use it. To adopt a lamb please activate JavaScript in your browser, so that you can view the sheep stories and sheep photographs or rent a lamb and rent a sheep.
This sheep noises site uses javascript and your browser is not set up to use it.Please activate Javascript on your browser.
This farming games site uses javascript and your browser is not set up to use it.To play this farming game please activate Javascript on your browser.
This lamb photo site uses javascript and your browser is not set up to use it.Please activate Javascript on your browser.
This adopt a sheep site uses JavaScript and your browser is not set up to use it. To adopt a lamb please activate JavaScript in your browser, so that you can view the sheep stories and sheep photographs or rent a lamb and rent a sheep.
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